HMC Server Command Line
Posted by steve on 07 May 2012 in VIO Server Tips, HMC Tips, Command Line Tips
In these examples, replace 'pSeries' with the name of your pSeries machine and replace 'LPARName' with the name of your LPAR.
List the names of all pSeries connect to the HMC | lssyscfg -r sys -F name |
List the names and serial numbers of all pSeries connect to the HMC | lssyscfg -r sys -F name,serial_num |
List the processor capabilities of a pSeries server | lshwres -m pSeries --level sys -r proc |
List the memory capabilities of a pSeries server | lshwres -m pSeries --level sys -r mem |
List the processor pools of a pSeries server | lshwres -m pSeries -r procpool |
List the virtual SCSI adapters of a pSeries server | lshwres -m pSeries -r virtualio --rsubtype scsi --level lpar |
List the virtual Fibre Adapters of a pSeries server | lshwres -m pSeries -r virtualio --rsubtype fc --level lpar |
List the real adapter details of a pSeries server | lshwres -m pSeries -r io --rsubtype slot |
List the LPARs current running processor settings | lshwres -m pSeries -r proc --level lpar --filter lpar_names=LPARname |
List the LPARs current running memory settings | lshwres -m pSeries -r mem --level lpar --filter lpar_names=LPARname |
List the LPARs name, state and LPAR id for a pSeries server | lssyscfg -r lpar -m pSeries -F name,lpar_id,state |
List the LPARs current profile name | lssyscfg -r lpar -m pSeries -F curr_profile --filter lpar_names=LPARname |
List the LPARs default profile name | lssyscfg -r lpar -m pSeries -F default_profile --filter lpar_names=LPARname |
List the LPARs profile settings | lssyscfg -m pSeries -r prof --filter lpar_names=LPARname,profile_names=LPARprofile |
List the LPARs settings | lssyscfg -m pSeries -r lpar --filter lpar_names=LPARname |
Change the LPAR attributes to allow performance statistics collection | chsyscfg -m pSeries -r lpar -i "lpar_id=18,allow_perf_collection=1" or this deprecated option: chsyscfg -m pSeries -r lpar -i "lpar_id=18,shared_proc_pool_util_auth=1" |
Add VLANs to a Virtual Adapter | chhwres -m pSeries -r virtualio --rsubtype eth -o s -p vio1 -s 16 -a \"addl_vlan_ids+=123,456,789\" |
Remove VLANs from a Virtual Adapter Note: VIOS 2.2, HMC 7.7.2 and Power7 Required. |
chhwres -m pSeries -r virtualio --rsubtype eth -o s -p vio1 -s 16 -a \"addl_vlan_ids-=123,456,789\" Where -s 16 is the VEthernet slot number to change. |
List the DLPAR capabilities for LPARs | lspartition -dlpar |
Show all the LPARs boot codes | lsrefcode -m pSeries -r lpar |
Show one LPARs boot codes | lsrefcode -m pSeries -r lpar --filter lpar_ids=25 |
Show the LED state | lsled -m pSeries -r sa -t virtuallpar |
Power on an LPAR with normal boot option | chsysstate -m pSeries -r lpar -o on -b normal -f ProfileName -n LPARName |
Power on an LPAR with SMS boot option | chsysstate -m pSeries -r lpar -o on -b sms -f ProfileName -n LPARName |
Power off an LPAR with the OS command | chsysstate -m pSeries -r lpar -o osshutdown -n LPARName |
Power off an LPAR immediately | chsysstate -m pSeries -r lpar -o shutdown --immed -n LPARName |
Open a console window | mkvterm -m pSeries -p LPARName |
Close a console window | rmvterm -m pSeries -p LPARName |
List the current HMC Code Level | lshmc -V |
List the HMC Network Configuration | lshmc -n |
Reboot the HMC Console | hmcshutdown -t now -r |
Create a basic VIO server profile This is all typed on one line. |
mksyscfg -m pSeries -r lpar -i "name=id22_vios22,lpar_id=22,lpar_env=vioserver, profile_name=normal,min_mem=1024,desired_mem=2048,max_mem=4096, proc_mode=shared,min_procs=1,desired_procs=2,max_procs=4, min_proc_units=0.5,desired_proc_units=1,max_proc_units=2, sharing_mode=uncap,uncap_weight=248, \"io_slots=21010018//1,21030016//1,21040017//1\"" |
Create a basic VIO client profile This is all typed on one line. |
mksyscfg -m pSeries -r lpar -i "name=client8,lpar_id=8,lpar_env=aixlinux, profile_name=normal,min_mem=32768,desired_mem=65536,max_mem=131072, proc_mode=shared,min_procs=1,desired_procs=10,max_procs=20, min_proc_units=0.5,desired_proc_units=6,max_proc_units=10, sharing_mode=uncap,uncap_weight=64, \"virtual_serial_adapters=0/server/1/any//any/1,1/server/1/any//any/1\", max_virtual_slots=20" |
Create some server Ethernet adapters This is all typed on one line. |
chsyscfg -m pSeries -r prof -i "lpar_name=id22_vios22,name=normal, \"virtual_eth_adapters=\"\"16/1/4014/445,446,447/2/1/ETHERNET0\"\", \"\"15/1/4013/430,431,432/1/1/ETHERNET0\"\"\"" Where: Field1 = Server Slot Field2 = IEEE Trunking - 0 = Off, 1 = On Field3 = Adapter PVID Field4 = Adapter VLANs Field5 = Trunk Priority Field6 = Required (1) or Desired (0) |
Create some client Ethernet adapters This is all typed on one line. |
chsyscfg -m pSeries -r prof -i "lpar_name=client8,name=normal, \"virtual_eth_adapters=\"\"11/0/407//0/1/ETHERNET0\"\", \"\"12/0/406//0/1/ETHERNET0\"\",\"\"13/0/405//0/1/ETHERNET0\"\"\"" Where: Field1 = Client Slot Field2 = IEEE Trunking - Always 0 on clients Field3 = Adapter PVID Field4 = Adapter VLANs - Always blank on clients Field5 = Trunk Priority - Always 0 on clients Field6 = Required (1) or Desired (0) |
Create a Virtual SCSI server adapter This is all typed on one line. |
chsyscfg -m pSeries -r prof -i "lpar_name=id22_vios22,name=normal, \"virtual_scsi_adapters=20/server/8/client8/10/1\"" Where: Field1 = Server slot. Field2 = server. Field3 = Remote VIO Client LPAR id. Field4 = LPAR name adapter is reserved for. Field5 = Client slot. Field6 = 0 - Not required, 1 - Required. |
Create a Virtual SCSI client adapter This is all typed on one line. |
chsyscfg -m pSeries -r prof -i "lpar_name=client8,name=normal, \"virtual_scsi_adapters=10/client/22/id22_vios22/20/1\"" Where: Field1 = Client slot. Field2 = client. Field3 = Remote VIO Server ID. Field4 = VIO Server LPAR. Field5 = Server slot. Field6 = 0 - Not required, 1 - Required. |