HSCLA319 The migrating partition's virtual fibre channel client adapter
Error message seen from the LPM process:
HSCLA319 The migrating partition's virtual fibre channel client adapter 33 cannot be hosted by the existing Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) partitions on the destination managed system. To migrate the partition, set up the necessary VIOS host on the destination managed system, then try the operation again.
Further down, you will see this:
The OS standard out is:
VIOS_DETAILED_ERROR 107 detected on vio152 by .
The client World Wide Port Name is not mapped to any storage or
there is an issue in the SAN so that the name server can not reach any
target ports. If the client World Wide Port Name is not mapped to
any storage remove the mapping between the virtual vfchost
adapters and the physical Fibre Channel port. If there is a SAN issue retry
the operation after the problem is resolved.
End Detailed Message.
This error message was caused by the SAN administrator, they had typed the wrong secondard WWPN into the zones, so the LPM validation could not see the storage down one of the fibre adapter paths. This was fixed by the SAN administrator who corrected the WWPN in the zoning.