PowerHA 72 clstat not working after Upgrade
I have just upgraded to PowerHA 7.2 with AIX 7.1 TL 4 SP2 and I find that clstat is not working again.
I checked a few files and it appears the upgrade process may be changing a few files, so here is how I got it working again.
Error from clstat.
# /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstat -o
Failed retrieving cluster information.
There are a number of possible causes:
clinfoES or snmpd subsystems are not active.
snmp is unresponsive.
snmp is not configured correctly.
Cluster services are not active on any nodes.
Software Levels
oslevel -s
halevel -s
7.2.0 SP1
Confirm SNMP is using version 3 daemon.
ls -l /usr/sbin/snmpd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 9 Oct 12 12:45 /usr/sbin/snmpd -> snmpdv3ne
Edit the snmpdv3.conf file.
vi /etc/snmpdv3.conf
Scroll down until you get to the VACM_VIEW section, and you will find this line commented out.
#VACM_VIEW defaultView internet - included -
Uncommenting that line will enable SNMP access to the entier AIX and PowerHA MIB trees,
The recommended change is to add this line, which allows only access to the PowerHA MIB trees.
VACM_VIEW defaultView risc6000clsmuxpd - included -
Or this line may be shown as:
VACM_VIEW defaultView - included -
Continue down the file, until you find this line, uncomment the line by removing the #:
#COMMUNITY public public noAuthNoPriv -
Uncommenting this line allows the public community name access to SNMP.
At the bottom of the file, ensure the following two lines exist and are NOT commented out:
smux gated_password # gated
smux clsmuxpd_password # PowerHA SystemMirror clsmuxpd
After updating to PowerHA 72, I noticed this line is duplicated, so remove the duplicate line.
Remove the HACMP/ES for AIX clsmuxpd entry.
smux clsmuxpd_password # PowerHA SystemMirror clsmuxpd
smux clsmuxpd_password # HACMP/ES for AIX clsmuxpd <<-- Remove this one.
Save the file.
vi /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/clhosts
Comment out the IP v6 Line below if you do not use IP v6.
#::1 # PowerHA SystemMirror
Save the file.
Refresh all the SNMP and related daemons.
stopsrc -s clinfoES
stopsrc -s aixmibd
stopsrc -s snmpmibd
stopsrc -s hostmibd
stopsrc -s snmpd
sleep 12
startsrc -s snmpd
startsrc -s hostmibd
startsrc -s snmpmibd
startsrc -s aixmibd
sleep 12
startsrc -s clinfoES
sleep 30
Confirm clstat is working.
/usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstat -o