Script to check and show MPIO path priorities
lspath | while read STATE HDISK VSCSI
QUEUE=$( lsattr -El ${HDISK} -a queue_depth | awk '{ print $2 }' )
print $HDISK "on" $VSCSI "is" $STATE "- queue_depth ${QUEUE} - \c"
lspath -A -l $HDISK -p $VSCSI -E | awk ' /priority/ { print $1,$2 }'
done | sort -n
This will output something like the following:
hdisk0 on vscsi0 is Enabled - queue_depth 16 - priority 1
hdisk0 on vscsi1 is Enabled - queue_depth 16 - priority 2
hdisk1 on vscsi0 is Enabled - queue_depth 16 - priority 2
hdisk1 on vscsi1 is Enabled - queue_depth 16 - priority 1
hdisk2 on vscsi0 is Enabled - queue_depth 16 - priority 1
hdisk2 on vscsi1 is Enabled - queue_depth 16 - priority 2
hdisk3 on vscsi0 is Enabled - queue_depth 16 - priority 2
hdisk3 on vscsi1 is Enabled - queue_depth 16 - priority 1